- 主動積極 幫你擴大影響力
- 以終為始 幫你釐清人生定位
- 要事第一 幫你找到目標與方法
- 雙贏思維 幫你創造最大價值
- 知彼解己 幫你維繫人際和諧
- 統合綜效 幫你化解衝突、找到出路
- 不斷更新 幫你改變自己與他人的人生
The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
- l Be Proactive: Expand Your Circle of Influence
- l Begin with the End in Mind: Define Your Mission in Life
- l Put First Things First: Prioritize and Achieve Your Goals
- l Think Win-Win: Create Maximum Value for All
- l Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood: Build Strong Relationships
- l Synergize: Find Creative Solutions to Conflict
- l Sharpen the Saw: Continually Renew Yourself and Empower Others